Docapesca launches new platform for monitoring and studying the curved ray
The app is available for Android and soon for iOS
The app is available for Android and soon for iOS
It was possible to show some of the territory of intervention of the Sotavento GAL
Workday ended with a visit to Nautiber's shipbuilding yards
Conditions of the Baleeira fishing port were also discussed
Event held in Aljezur and Vila do Bispo featured gastronomic experiences and awareness-raising activities for the youngest
Quarpesca is one of the 24 organizations that are part of
It is not allowed, on each day, to unload or offer sardines for sale beyond the limits indicated in the order.
Rita Sá, coordinator of Oceans and Fisheries at ANP|WWF, considers that «this was a crucial meeting» for the project
Screening results are analyzed internationally within the framework of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
This number corresponds to more than 12% of the applications submitted at national level.
Endowment for all poles is 84 million euros