CCDR Algarve submits application to Qualifica AP Center

Investment includes an amount of around 830 thousand euros to be managed by Centro Qualifica AP|CCDR Algarve

Photo: Pablo Sabater | Sul Informação (File)

The Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR) announced this Thursday, January 27, that it has submitted its application for the Qualifica AP Center, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and the qualification of human resources. of Public Administration.

According to CCDR Algarve, the Center thus reinforces «intersectoral articulation also at the level of professional training of human resources in the deconcentrated public administration of the region».

The investment includes an amount of around 830 thousand euros to be managed by the Qualifica AP|CCDR Algarve Center, with a view to issuing 523 certificates.

The Centro Qualifica AP|CCDR Algarve, with a regional vocation, «will respond to the needs for qualification and improvement of the professional and organizational performance of workers in the central and local administration in the Algarve region.



A CCDR Algarve will host this Qualifica Center that «will make more flexible, at the territorial level, the deconcentrated responses that meet the qualification needs of workers in public functions, providing them with the necessary training and qualification».

These trainings will complement «the skills acquired in the education system, the possibility of deepening the skills developed in the context of Public Administration and focusing on the recognition, validation and certification of skills, thus improving their professional performance».

In this way, the qualification of Public Administration workers will also benefit "the public policy objectives of promoting the region's social and economic competitiveness, as well as the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the public service provided to citizens and companies", he concludes. to CCDR Algarve.


