CCDR Algarve will host Centro Qualifica AP from January

The Center will respond to the qualification needs of workers in the Central and Local Administration

Photo: Pablo Sabater | Sul Informação (File)

The Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR) will host, from January onwards, one of the five Qualifica AP Centres, created by the Government, which, with a territorial vocation, «will respond to the qualification needs of workers in the Central and Place".

According to CCDR Algarve, this center «will make flexible, at territorial level, the decentralized responses that can meet the needs of workers in public functions and provide them with qualification, contemplating the possibility of deepening the skills developed in the context of Public Administration, focusing on the recognition, validation and certification of competences».

Thus, the qualification of workers in public administrations will be "dynamised and promoted in each of the regions" and will benefit from "public policy objectives for the promotion of social and economic competitiveness".

The investment in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) – AP Training – training of workers and management of the future – contemplates 16,7 million euros for the development of the Qualifica AP Program, to be implemented by the National Institute of Administration, as an entity coordinator of professional training in the Public Administration who will act as an intermediary beneficiary.

In this way, and within the scope of the professional training regime in Public Administration, «the objectives and principles of enabling public services and bodies, through the qualification of their workers and managers, to respond to the requirements arising from the respective missions, attributions and competences and contribute to the reinforcement of professional qualification”, as well as to “improvement of the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the public service to be provided to citizens and companies”, concludes CCDR Algarve.


