Silves hosts cinema and art exhibition later this month

Between March 30th and April 6th

The Municipality of Silves will host the project “Indizível – Mostra de Cinema e Arte”, between March 30th and April 6th.

On the 30th and 31st of March, the Film Festival, which will take place at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório (TMG), includes a program aimed at secondary school students.

On the 1st of April, TMG opens its doors to the general public, presenting a selection of award-winning short films, produced by young filmmakers. Standing out is Nestor, the film by director João Gonzalez, which saw “Ice Merchants” be the first Portuguese film nominated for an Oscar.

At the same time, at the Casa da Cultura Islâmica e Mediterrânica, there will be an exhibition of plastic arts, by emerging Algarve artists, aimed at the general public. The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 00 pm and from 13 pm to 00 pm.

Admission is free.

