Conference talks about “The Loulé Society in the medieval Christian period – XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries”

Former professor, Luís Palma is also chairman of the Board of Almargem – Association for the Defense of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the Algarve

The conference “Society Louletana in the medieval Christian period – 11th-15th centuries”, given by Luís Palma, will take place next Saturday, 00th February, at XNUMX pm, at the Municipal Archive of Loulé Professor Joaquim Romero Magalhães. 

Based on the main documents known from Loulé – the Charter of 1266, the Minutes of the Council of Loulé – 1375th-1518th centuries, and the Revenue and Expense Books from Loulé 1266-1408, the lecturer will seek to outline an overview of the various social groups existing in the municipality in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries (clergy, nobility and people), identifying the names that are referenced in these documents, between XNUMX and XNUMX, historically contextualizing the most significant ones and addressing their functions in the municipal community.

According to the Câmara de Loulé, «the situation of the so-called marginalized groups – Moors and Jews, with important communes in Loulé – will also be addressed».

Luís Palma has a degree in History from the Faculty of Letters in Lisbon. He was a Secondary School teacher for 44 years, 40 of which at Loulé Secondary School. He has been retired from public service since 2020.

He collaborates with the Senior University of Loulé, where he teaches Local and Regional History. He published, in 2020, “Ameixial-Loulé – brief monograph on a parish in Serra do Caldeirão”, sponsored by the Municipality of Loulé and the Parish Council of Ameixial. He is interested in themes of Medieval History, namely those relating to the Algarve, contributing to this with his knowledge of Paleography and Latin.

In this context, a work on “The Ancient Forals of the Algarve” is nearing completion, which it plans to publish this year.

He is a founding partner and current chairman of the Board of Almargem – Association for the Defense of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the Algarve.


