15 tons of carob seized in Castro Marim

In the estimated value of 28 thousand euros

The GNR seized around 15 tons of carob, in the municipality of Castro Marim, between the 2nd and 3rd of August. 

The seizure took place following a complaint that reported a large number of locust bean on land in the parish of Altura.

After the complaint, the Guard military went to the place where a man kept stored around 15 tons of carob, worth an estimated 28 euros, next to his house.

“Following the police investigations and given that the suspect was unable to justify its origin and the context of its harvest, the carob was seized as a precautionary measure”, says the note from the GNR. 

The 44-year-old man was identified and the facts were referred to the Vila Real de Santo António Judicial Court.

The previous largest seizure made by the GNR was 8 tons. 

