Lagos bay is the destination of the project's fourth and final sea campaign Water world, to be developed between the 9th and 20th of October by the National Center for Nautical and Underwater Archeology of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (CNANS/DGPC), in partnership with the Norwegian Maritime Museum (Norsk Maritime Museum).
In line with the powers of CNANS/DGPC, the work is intended to «verify and record fortuitous finds declared in recent years by the local maritime community».
On the other hand, with a view to monitoring archaeological sites, archaeological prospecting will be carried out using remote detection equipment – side-scan sonar – in some inventoried wrecks.
On the afternoon of October 19th, in a public session in the auditorium of Paços do Concelho Século XXI, in Lagos, Portuguese and Norwegian experts will present the preliminary results of their mission, as well as part of the work on the underwater archaeological map of the municipality of Lagos that has already been carried out. by the project team Water world.
This campaign is carried out in close collaboration with the Lagos City Council, with the support of the finders, the company WeDive, Marina de Lagos and Centro Náutico Sopromar.
The multidisciplinary team that will operate on the ground includes archaeologists and conservators-restorers from CNANS/DGPC and the Norwegian Maritime Museum, in a total of eight members, and the participation of the Institute of Archeology and Paleosciences of the New University of Lisbon, with whom the Municipality de Lagos has a cooperation protocol for the research and valorization of the submerged heritage of Lagos Bay.
CNANS/DGPC is the entity responsible in Portugal for determining the scientific and heritage value of archaeological assets deposited in aquatic environments, being responsible for the tasks of inventorying, conservation and restoration – stages prior to their availability for research and/or museum purposes .
Within the Water world and in partnership with its Norwegian partner, CNANS/DGPC carried out three other sea campaigns: Portimão/Arade (March 2022, in a campaign accompanied by Sul Informação), Cascais/Barra do Tejo (September 2022) and Berlengas (May 2023).
The archaeological work in the bay of Lagos is part of the fourth and final campaign under this project, which will come to an end in March 2024.
Budgeted at 995.000 euros, coming from the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism, the Water world aims to enable CNANS/DGPC with registration methodologies for monitoring and disseminating underwater cultural heritage.
In connection with the Norwegian Maritime Museum, it promotes the safeguarding, protection, conservation, monitoring and dissemination of national archaeological cultural assets from water-saturated environments.