Documentary “Um Olhar Entre Redes” can be seen at the Fortress of Sagres

Ana Medeira is directing the film A Fortaleza belongs to us, a documentary about the fishermen from the cliffs of the Fortress of Sagres

The documentary A Look Between Networks will be shown next Sunday, June 4th, at 15 pm, in the auditorium of Fortaleza de Sagres, as a way for the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve to celebrate Fisherman's Day, which is being celebrated today. The session has the presence of director Ana Medeira.

In the synopsis it is emphasized that «the documentary A Look Between Networks reflects the thinking and feeling of fishermen from Armação de Pêra, a coastal village in the Algarve. This fishing community, which still practices traditional fishing techniques today, and which gave rise to the village itself, is at risk of disappearing in the coming years».

«The documentary brings together a range of information about local history, traditional fishing gear and testimonies about the present and future of the community. Through this documentary, the viewer is invited to enter the picturesque world, full of local history, identity of a human heritage that characterizes this tourist town in the south of Portugal», adds the synopsis.

DRCultAlg reveals that Ana Medeira is directing the film The Fortress belongs to us, a documentary where the fishermen from the cliffs of the Fortress of Sagres will be highlighted, which will be presented in this same monument, at the end of the year.

These activities are part of this year's edition of DiVaM – Dynamization and Enhancement of Monuments, which this year has as its theme “(Un)comfortable Heritage”.

DRCAlg's cultural program for the monuments under its tutelage includes film projects, music, performances, circus art, workshops and conversations at the monuments.

«The proposed theme made it possible to work on various themes, firstly those associated with issues of heritage (de)colonization and those related to identities, social segregation, racism and post-colonial memories. But so many other issues will be addressed, such as those related to the importance of mental health these days, or those associated with bullying, violence, oppression and power hierarchies», stresses that Regional Directorate.

The program is available by clicking here.



