Bloco de Esquerda demands conditions for INEM in Lagos

«Immediate measures must be adopted to correct the situation and guarantee safe working conditions», argues BE

MEP José Gusmão, accompanied by a local leader and a delegation from the Bloco de Esquerda Algarve, traveled to Lagos yesterday to investigate the situation of INEM workers at Terras do Infante Hospital, and demand conditions.

After the news that made public the situation in which these professionals work, the Bloco de Esquerda questioned the government and «asked for urgent measures, so that technicians from the INEM removed from the site, devoid of working and safety conditions», says the party in a note.

Bloco de Esquerda stresses that «the place where this base for the SIV ambulance is located is just six square meters and is set up in a basement with no windows to the outside and no air renewal», in addition to that «the rest area is heavily conditioned by the noise of the existing machinery in the Hospital's laundry».

Faced with these facts, José Gusmão regretted "that the administration of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve does not provide acceptable conditions for a service of the importance of INEM", reads the note.

Bloquistas say it is “inadmissible that workers in fundamental areas face such serious difficulties”.

“Immediate measures must be taken to correct the situation and guarantee safe working conditions”, they conclude.


