Young people called to participate in another Youth Assembly in Lagos

Members of this assembly are elected by students from schools in the county

Young people from schools in Lagos will be able to speak of their justice at the Ordinary Session of the Youth Assembly that will take place on March 8, from 10:00 am, in the Auditorium of the Séc. XXI.

According to the edict of this session, which can be consulted by clicking here, the session will feature three points.

After the “Written information from the Mayor about the activity of the Municipality” (Point 1), the topics “Mobility” (Point 2) and “Culture” (Point 3) will be addressed.

The Youth Assembly is «a new parliamentary body», created by the Lagos Municipal Assembly, to respond «to the importance and urgency of promoting the participation of citizens, and especially young people, in the life of the Lagos community and in municipal decisions» , which is elected by young people from schools in the Municipality.

In collaboration with the educational establishments of Lagos, a new «school of democracy and citizenship» was created in the municipality, according to the Municipal Assembly of Lacobrigense

«With great dynamism and well-prepared and interesting sessions, young people question the Municipality and present relevant proposals on matters of municipal interest, which are then always appreciated in the Municipal Assembly. During each school year, an Ordinary Session of the Youth Assembly is held», frames the same entity.

This «innovative experience of the Municipality of Lagos in the participation of young people in municipal life», began in 2001 and «has been asserting itself since that date, due to the quality and enthusiasm of young people, who also participate in the Solemn Joint Session commemorating the April 25".

The works of this session can be followed on the internet, at Youtube channel and on the Lagos Municipal Assembly Facebook page.



