Keeping applications up to date is just as important as having an anti-virus

Warnings to perform security updates should be taken seriously

Almost every day, ordinary users are bombarded with numerous prompts to update the installed on their computers and smartphones. These updates are due to several reasons, from new features added, correction of errors in the normal operation of the or, even more critical, security updates, ie fixes for known security flaws.

These security flaws are usually used to infect the unprotected computer and put it under the command of any criminal agent with illicit goals.

Now, stresses the National Cybersecurity Center, «these warnings to carry out security updates must be taken seriously and the user must dedicate a few minutes a day to this task».

For example, since the beginning of 2012, more than thousands of security flaws considered to be very serious in commonly used applications such as Java, Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer have been corrected.

«The best way to protect your computer from external attacks and considerably reduce the risk of security problems occurring is to constantly update installed applications», adds the National Cybersecurity Center.

Normally, the computer is configured to perform these updates automatically, without user intervention, but this is not always the case.

To guarantee a good update rate for the installed applications, there are several professional and free solutions that work as a complement to the anti-virus, thus creating a second line of protection.

As an example (there are other solutions) the National Center for Cybersecurity suggests installing Personal Software Inspector from the company Secunia, which can be obtained by clicking here. This application scans your computer looking for vulnerable applications, indicating solutions for their correction, whenever they exist.



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