In Lagos, there is a “Trigger” for the social inclusion of people with disabilities

Project starts this month

The “Gatilho” project, which aims to promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities through artistic expression, in the municipality of Lagos, will start on the 13th of January, at 18 pm, in Odiáxere, with the first of several meetings aimed at «reinforcing community spirit by sharing stories of the past, dreams of the future, traditions, desires for change and much more».

With these community meetings, which will take place until the 30th of March in different locations in the municipality of Lagos, the association Questão Repetida and NECI – Specialized Nucleus for the Inclusive Citizen, which promote the “Gatilho” project in partnership with the Municipality of Lagos and with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the “La Caixa” Foundation, they want the locals to get to know those around them and “to feel that much-needed sense of community” again.

In addition to Odiáxere (13th January, 28th February and 30th March), there will be community meetings in Bensafrim (20/01, 24/02, 31/03), Luz (21/01, 11/02, 18/03 ), Lagos (27/01, 17/02, 24/03), Almádena (28/01, 25/02), Chinicato (02/02, 10/03), Barão de São João (03/02, 14/ 03) and Espiche (07/02, 16/03).

Local, social, cultural and economic institutions, as well as the population, are challenged to attend these meetings and share their stories.

The “Trigger” «has as its main objective to create a diverse cultural and artistic space in the territory where it operates, enabling the presence of artists with disabilities. It intends to create and support a network of partners that will help in the territorial implementation, in the qualification, in the promotion of the self-determination of people with disabilities, as well as in raising awareness of the issue of their inclusion in active life», according to the project promoters.

The artistic languages ​​of theatre, dance, performance, music, art and photography «will be some of the “tools” to be used during the different moments of the project, through which it is intended to influence and promote processes of change and create spaces for joint enjoyment» .

“Gatilho” is a PARTIS & Arts for change project.



