Portimão Left Block elects new Coordinating Committee

Elected last Saturday, November 26

The new Coordinating Committee of the Left Block of Portimão, for 2022-2024, was elected last Saturday, November 26th. 

The single list, which competed with the motto “A more dynamic, plural and alternative block in the municipality of Portimão”, is made up of António Sérgio Luís, gardener's assistant, Bruno Lourinho, waiter, Edeme Maria Santos, specialist nurse, João Vasconcelos, professor, José Basílio, jurist, Joaquina Lourenço, general housekeeper, Marco Pereira, psychologist, Maria Rosa Dias, sociologist, Miguel Madeira, economist, Marilu Batista, direct action assistant, and Pedro Mota, postal management technician.

The new municipal coordinator of BE/Portimão will focus her activity over the next two years around the «intransigent fight, in conjunction with the national and regional bloc, against the absolute majority of the PS and any and all types of austerity and exploitation, real or disguised, either from the Portuguese Government or from the European Union» and in the «determined and intransigent fight against the absolute majority of the PS/Portimão and against any type of right-wing populism and extremism in the municipality, seeking to reinforce the Bloc, more dynamic, plural and alternative in the municipality of Portimão, at the service of the popular classes and the needy and unprotected», reads in a note

In Portimão, the bloquistas' programmatic lines intend to «respond to the crisis and, in particular, to social needs through the reinforcement of social policies, more and better housing, in the fight against unemployment, poverty and social exclusion», and «committing to local development sustainability, better environment and job creation, «fighting for a better quality of life and for tax justice», among others.

