ECOS helps create a game-based professional education model

As part of a European project

A new “Conceptual Model for Gamified E-Learning Programmes” will provide teachers and trainers in vocational education with a framework for building game-based learning experiences.

This tool was developed by the consortium of the “SPARKS” project, a Strategic Partnership for Preparing for Digital Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The model is the result of four months of research work carried out by the project's partners, including Cooperativa ECOS, based in the Algarve.

Small and Medium Enterprises Lascò (Italy), Femxa (Spain) and Bexley C-Level IT (Romania) and the non-profit organizations KEAN (Greece) and the Center for Innovative Education (Poland) also participate in the project.

«Divided into eight conceptual blocks, the Model proposes an interactive and incremental process for building programs gamified e-learning, guiding teachers and trainers through thirty-three actions and multiple combinations of more than fifty game elements identified in the good practices of gamification and game-based learning analyzed by the project consortium in Italy, Romania, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Spain in 2021 as part of the transnational research “Game-Based Learning and Gamification: good practices and requirements for digital environments”», describes ECOS.

To get this far, around 200 teachers and students of Vocational Education and Training from the countries involved contributed to shape the final product:.

On the one hand, there were 80 students involved in semi-structured interviews, which «supported the analysis of the characteristics, needs and challenges that students in vocational education and training from different establishments faced during their online learning journey».

On the other hand, '138 VET experts participated in the validation of the product in order to assess its clarity, logic, effectiveness, suitability for target groups and understanding'.

“The Model will guide the consortium in the coming months to co-create with over one hundred VET experts a set of templates of programs gamified, which will be made available on the platform elearning of the project", concludes ECOS.

The publication with the details of the development process, structure and description of the Model is available at official project website.



