Loulé approves fire plan for the critical phase of summer

The legislation obliges all municipalities in the country to approve their Plan by April 15

The Municipal Commission for the Defense of the Forest Against Fires of Loulé met on the 29th of March to present and approve the Municipal Operational Plan for 2023 and address other matters that intend to anticipate the phase of greater risk of rural fire, in the summer months. .

The session, chaired by mayor Vítor Aleixo, was attended by representatives of entities such as the Municipal Civil Protection Service, Municipal Firefighters, GNR, Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation, parish councils, Intermunicipal Forestry Technical Office – AMAL, National Electric Network , Portuguese Environment Agency and hunting associations and clubs.

In a note, the Loulé municipality recalls that the legislation obliges all municipalities in the country to approve their Plan by April 15 and that, in the case of Loulé, the document was approved unanimously.

The Loulé Municipal Operational Plan defines the strategy for preventing and combating forest fires and regulates the articulation between municipal and district entities and bodies, with regard to surveillance, detection, inspection, first intervention, combat, aftermath and post surveillance actions. -fire. The plan also includes the survey of means and resources, contacts, territorial sectorization, operational device and decision support cartography.



«The main objectives of the document are to develop an articulated and effective detection and surveillance system, quickly mobilize the means of combat, extinguish fires in their initial phase, and avoid risk to the population, their goods and activities», refers to the autarchy.

«Like what has been happening over the years, and with the ever-increasing commitment to defending the forested territory, the Municipality of Loulé intends to reissue next summer, during the period of greater operational commitment with regard to fires. forestry, a series of measures that have been decisive in safeguarding human lives and the natural heritage», continues the Municipality, giving the example of delivering first intervention kits to parish councils and hunter associations, the protocol with the Army for surveillance and cleaning work, horse patrol by the GNR, among other actions.

In addition to the approval of the Operational Plan, during the Commission meeting, issues such as the legislative amendment to the Rural Fire Hazard Charter or the Village Condominium project were discussed.



