Lagos decides to hold “its” IV Conference

Idea is to promote a "debate open to all ideas and free participation and opinion of citizens"

The IV Jornadas de Lagos will take place between 2022 and 2025, to “debate relevant issues for the Municipality and for the population and their organizations”. The realization of this initiative was unanimously approved by the Municipal Assembly of the 27th of December.

The proposal that received the vote in favor of all municipal deputies calls for the organization of “the IV Jornadas de Lagos in 2022/2025”, as well as to instruct the Specialized Events Commission to organize them.

The approved motion also reads that the organization of this event “will be a step of great significance in the democratic process in Lagos, valuing the role of the Assembly as a great forum for debate open to all ideas and free participation and opinion by citizens”.

The objective is to «continue the process started with the I Jornadas de Lagos, contributing to a better knowledge of local realities, as well as to the analysis of perspectives and opinions on guidelines and methods for dealing with matters that are of interest to the Municipality's development».

«The disclosure of the IV Jornadas de Lagos will be made through an allusive poster and a series of information online and in leaflets distributed digitally in the week before each session», he concluded.


