The musical and multimedia show “Eis o Algarve”, under the artistic direction of the accordionist Nelson Conceição, takes to the stage at the Carlos do Carmo Auditorium, in Lagoa, on November 12th at 21 pm.
In “Eis o Algarve”, «Nelson Conceição's accordion takes us on a journey through the traditional arts of the Algarve people, in a show where dance, music, lighting, video and scenography will immerse us in the cultural identity of the region , from its roots to contemporaneity».
This is, emphasizes Câmara de Lagoa, «an opportunity to rediscover the Algarve, its people and cultural heritage» and «an audiovisual journey that will transport us to a past that makes us proud and uplifting, bringing to light ancestral memories dressed in modernity and underlined by exuberant and unexpected visual and scenic landscapes».
Ten musicians, four dancers, creators from various artistic disciplines and more than a dozen technicians, producers and production assistants will build a show that «is expected to be unique and unpredictable».
The show, which is part of the bitch, it has free entry, but it is necessary to book a ticket.
Tickets can be booked at the following locations or through the respective contacts: Centro Cultural Convento de S. José (282 380 434), Carlos do Carmo Auditorium (282 380 452) and Musicians' Cultural and Recreational Association ([email protected] or 968 506 072 – from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 15:00 pm to 18:00 pm).
Tickets must be collected at the Carlos do Carmo Auditorium.