“No Jardim da Dúvida” fills the Ermida de Guadalupe with contemporary art

Project joins an exhibition of «temporary interventions in the territory» with performances

Contemporary art, created by artists with different origins and paths, will embody the project “No Jardim da Dúvida”, which is launched this Saturday, September 25, at 16:00 pm and will last until October 16, at Ermida de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, in Vila do Bispo.

This is an initiative «of a multidisciplinary nature and focused on the problematization of the notion of “place”», curated by Susana de Medeiros and Ana Celorico Machado, in collaboration with some of the members who make up the 289 collectives (Faro) and The Beekeepers (Castro Marim), according to the Cultural Association “O Corvo ea Raposa”, which promotes the initiative.

In addition to an exhibition of «temporary interventions in the territory», “No Jardim da Dúvida” has four performances, two of which take place on the 25th.

Starting at 16:30 pm on Saturday, Jennifer Muteteli presents a «performance piece site specific, built from a 3-day residence on site'.

At the same time, the Algarve artist Manuela Caneco casts «a contemporary look at the myth of Ariadne», in a performative piece «that uses the palm and its weaving as a starting point for raising doubts».

Jennifer Muteteli and Manuela Caneco are just two of the artists residing in the Algarve, «from Barlavento to Sotavento», participating in the project.

The list also includes Ana Celorico Machado, Bertílio Martins, Carlos Norton, Gustavo Jesus, Milita Doré, Pedro Leitão, Tiago Batista and Susana Medeiros.



These creators are joined by Leslie Fernández and Natacha de Cortillas, two Chilean artists based in the city of Concepción, who developed, in both cases, projects with the Mesa8 collective.

These two guests from the southern hemisphere will star in a performance at the end of the project, on October 16th.

On that day, also at 16:30 pm, Leslie Fernández and Natascha de Cortillas present the participative action/performing piece “From South to North – a request for Water”, which includes, among other moments, a collective reading of “Salí a Busca” , by the poet Silvana Ceballos Reys.

On the same day and at the same time, the fourth performance takes place, a sound installation by Carlos Norton, performed from the Algarve Landscape Sound Archive, in tune with the landscape and the pieces on display.

“No Jardim da Dúvida” “interpellates different conceptions about what a garden is, what is our relationship with nature and how we see or appropriate it. We crossed, for example, the thought of the Greek peripatetic school, with the ideas of F. Nietzsche, Bruno Latour, Jorge Luís Borges and Tolentino de Mendonça», describe the organizers.

The proposals and challenges that will be launched «may involve seeds, fruits, roots, reeds, trunks, sticks, stones, landmarks, ropes, wells, watering, hoes, metaphorically or inversely, creating an almanx of ideas, preserved by the understood dialectic in its original sense as a path between ideas».

The exhibition, which will be on display in the outer space around the Ermida N. Sra. de Guadalupe, can be visited free of charge from 25th September to 15th October, during the monument's opening hours, more precisely from Tuesday to Sunday, except day 26.

Until the end of the month, the hours are from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm. From 1st October it will be from 9:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm.

“No Jardim da Dúvida” is the Visual Arts program of the IV Edition of “Dias d'As Virgens Negras” 2021, promoted by O Corvo ea Raposa Cultural Association and included in the DiVaM Program Dynamization and Valorization of Monuments in the Algarve, a initiative of the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve.

The “Days of As Virgens Negras” is an annual project, which is defined as a tribute to the site of the Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe and to the ancestral cult established there, through music and plastic arts.




