Entities from Castro Marim unite against child abuse

From school children to the elderly at Santa Casa, there were many who made their contribution.

The Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ) of Castro Marim joined several entities in the municipality to mark the month for the prevention of child abuse, which is marked in April.

The council's schools, the municipality, Santa Casa da Misericórdia (SCM), the Castro Marim 4G Local Social Development Contract (CLDS) and the Santo António de Arenilha Community Care Unit were the entities that helped «to signal this month as much as possible, due to the pandemic”, according to the CPCJ de Castro Marim.

Children from schools in the municipality created a calendar of affections, blue ties, the symbol of the prevention of child abuse, and a blue ribbon. Participants in the CLDS project also made calendars of affection.

The municipality, in turn, illuminated several public buildings in blue and publicized the campaign on a billboard.

The elderly of SCM Castromarinense made a panel alluding to this ephemeris and the UCC Santo António de Arenilha exhibited posters alluding to the theme and built a blue bow.

The blue bow originated in the 80s, in the state of Virginia, in the United States of America, on the initiative of a grandmother, who wanted in this way to denounce the abuse suffered by her two grandchildren at the hands of their parents, one of whom ended up for dying.

«As a form of homage, he placed a blue ribbon on the antenna of his car, in an analogy to the bluish-colored bruises that his grandchildren had», according to the CPCJ de Castro Marim.

Currently, the blue bow is a worldwide symbol of the prevention of child abuse and the month of April is dedicated to this cause, at an international level.


Photos: CPCJ of Castro Marim




