Lagoa promotes workshops aimed at entrepreneurs and the unemployed

Within the scope of the Lagoa Entrepreneur Factory project

Câmara de Lagoa is promoting the cycle of free online training “Desmarca-te”, aimed at entrepreneurs and the unemployed. The program started this month, but is expected to continue throughout 2021.

This is already an action promoted under the project Fábrica do Empreendedor de Lagoa, an initiative of the City Council that has been in operation since December.

«Self-esteem and employability, the techniques for a successful job interview, the e-commerce or life coaching these are topics to be dealt with in seven sessions of about an hour and a half each», describes the Câmara de Lagoa.

Registration, free of charge, is open to all interested parties and must be done online, following this linek.

Fábrica do Empreendedor de Lagoa aims to create «innovative solutions with social impact» in terms of local development.

«Focused on promoting employability, it cooperates with other institutions and invests in networking, articulating both with the local and regional business fabric», according to the Câmara de Lagoa.

«With this project, the municipality of Lagoa offers a space for free support to the unemployed and/or precarious workers in the municipality, but also to companies. The creation of businesses, the promotion of entrepreneurial skills, the dynamization of community intervention projects and territorial animation, are understood by the Chamber as a way of co-creating sustainable communities in the municipality», he added.

This is a municipal project co-financed by CRESC Algarve 2020, Portugal 2020 and FEDER – European Regional Development Fund, which is located at the Secretariat of the Fairs and Exhibitions Park and develops work in conjunction with the Municipality's Economic Development Division, namely with the Entrepreneur counter.



