Silves completes installation of new water and sewage pipelines under Ponte Nova

Work cost 440 thousand euros

The installation works of new water supply and basic sanitation pipelines under the so-called Ponte Nova, in Silves, have already been completed.

The intervention, which cost 440 thousand euros, “extended to the sections between Ponte Velha and Ponte Nova, on the south (EN 124-1) and north (Avenida Marginal) sides, involving the laying of 1,4 kilometers of pipe of water and sewage'.

According to the municipality, this work allowed “the remodeling and modernization of the water and sanitation networks, putting an end to the frequent breaks at a strategic point in the system, stabilizing the water supply to the city and neighboring areas”.

At the same time, conditions were created for the execution of the contract for “Conservation and Restoration of Ponte Velha”, “after the deactivation of the water and sanitation pipelines that passed through it, a situation that has already been achieved”.



