glocal Faro discovered the Sé orange trees "among the leftovers"

The Chamber maintains the guarantee that the trees are undergoing treatment and that they will be replanted in Largo da Sé

Photo: glocal Faro

With yellowing leaves and surrounded by "works leftovers", in the building site of the Municipality of Faro. This is how the orange trees that were removed from Largo da Sé, in Faro, last week, denounced Glocal Faro, group of citizens who rebelled against the removal of trees.

The Chamber of Faro ensured that the trees were removed from that location to be submitted to a treatment and which will be replaced..

However, and despite having been effectively placed on the ground, in the technical space that the municipality has in the commercial wharf area, the orange trees do not seem to be in the best condition, in the images released by Glocal Faro.

The citizens' group ironically draws attention to «the good state» where the trees are found «after ten days of treatment».

"They are in a suitable place – commercial wharf yard next to the leftover materials from the works, with good soil and good irrigation gutters, as can be seen from the photos", joked Glocal Faro.

Contacted by Sul Informação, the Chamber of Faro he reaffirmed what he had already guaranteed: that the trees were “removed after a technical report for treatment, as they were identified as being in poor condition”.

The orange trees "will soon be relocated to the public space, if this treatment takes effect."

"If that doesn't happen, new orange trees will be planted, as well as other trees, in public spaces in the county," he told our local authority's source newspaper, who stressed that "in the last two years, the City Council Faro planted 600 new trees» in the county.

The trees in question were removed from Largo da Sé days before the start of the F Nights, but as said at the time, to Sul Informação the mayor of Faro, that was not why the trees were removed.

"I had asked for an intervention to be carried out in the square, with the cleaning of the orange trees, which were full of dry wood and were removed in this context", revealed the mayor from Farense to our newspaper.


Photos: glocal Faro


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