Government confirms Acta de Vereação de Loulé as National Treasure

Minutes are part of the Loulé Municipal Archives collection

The Council of Ministers has just approved a decree that classifies the Acts of Vereção de Loulé, from the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, as a National Treasury. 

In a statement, the Council of Ministers reveals that it has approved a decree that classifies the 11 books of Atas de Vereação as “archive assets of national interest”. The recognition of minutes as National Treasury had already been advanced, first hand, by the Sul Informação.

The Municipal Council of Loulé Acts (XNUMXth – XNUMXth Centuries) correspond to the written record of the matters and decisions taken by the council's representatives on the daily life of this municipality and its inhabitants

This set of documents, with records dating back to December 1384, is considered by historians and experts as the oldest of this typology found to this day at national level.

These Atas de Vereação were, at the National Museum of Archeology, part of the award-winning exhibition ““LOULÉ. Territories. Memoirs. Identities”.

With this attribution, the Algarve now has two National Treasures: the Atas de Vereação from the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries of Loulé and the Roman Mosaic of the Ocean God, from the Museum of Faro.

