Works reduce water supply failures in Alcoutim

Seven water mains were built to connect to the delivery points on the rise of Águas do Algarve

The contract for the execution of connection pipelines between the Alta (Algarve Multi-municipal Water Supply System) and Baixa system in the Alcoutim municipality, which was completed recently, has made it possible to reduce supply failures by 100%.

Seven water mains were built to connect the high delivery points of Águas do Algarve, which provide water supply to the villages of Pessegueiro, Diogo Dias, Tremelgo, Azinhal, Castelhanos, Laborato, Fonte Zambujo, Pão Duro, Alcaria Alta and Tacões as well as the reinforcement of Martim Longo.

According to the Municipality of Alcoutim, "with the coming into operation of the new infrastructure, which implies a 21 km extension of the water supply network built and the existence of two pumping stations, there was a reduction in the occurrence of supply failures by 100% ».

Currently, according to the municipality, 91,12% of the accommodation in the entire county has a high adherence to the service.

The intervention was the subject of an application approved by POSEUR, financed by the Cohesion Fund at the rate of 85%, with an eligible amount of 992.631,32 euros.

