April 25th marked in Olhão with intervention from all parties, Chega missed

António Miguel Pina considers this to be a “serious” attitude

In Olhão, the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April was marked with the traditional flag-raising ceremony and a solemn session, which included the intervention of all parties, except Chega, which was absent from the event. 

For António Miguel Pina, president of the municipality, this was a “serious and sufficient attitude for the people of Olhão to draw their respective conclusions”.

Stressing that “we cannot close our eyes to the challenges that democracy currently faces”, the edi considered, however, that “all the objectives of the revolution were achieved”: decolonize, develop and democratize.

Giving as an example the unavailability expressed by one of the parties elected to the Municipal Assembly, «those who, despite being democratically elected, in freedom achieved by the 25th of April, refuse to participate in it», the mayor continued to point out the way forward in the construction of democracy.

“It is vital that we remain vigilant, promoting constructive dialogue and strengthening the bonds of empathy and understanding in our society,” he said.

In relation to the Algarve, António Miguel Pina considers that «Olhão stands out as a historical bastion of resistance and the fight for freedom. His role during the dark years of the dictatorship stands out as an example of courage and determination in the search for justice and Human Rights».

The mayor concluded “may this 25th of April inspire us to be attentive guardians of freedom, promoters of social peace and builders of a fairer and more inclusive future”.



