Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira provides digital teaching resources on the Mediterranean Diet

Support materials for the teacher/trainer and different resources are available for application in the classroom/session context and autonomous work

The Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira, in partnership with the University of Algarve, is already providing educational resources in digital format on the different aspects of the Mediterranean Diet, within the scope of the project “DiMEd – Mediterranean Diet: multidimensionality as a support for education and professional training".

According to CCV Tavira, the first resources have already been made available in the project page and comprise the themes of the Concept and Heritage of Humanity, Mediterranean Cultural Landscapes and Mediterranean Diet as a Model of Sustainability.

These resources include teacher/trainer support materials (Learning Guide) and different resources (such as infographics, videos, quizzes, leaflets, worksheets, exercises) for application in the classroom/session context and autonomous work.

During the project, resources will also be developed that cover other aspects of the Mediterranean Diet (health and nutrition, Mediterranean gastronomy, innovation in the different sectors of activity associated with the Mediterranean Diet, cultural, ethnographic and sea heritage), through close cooperation between actors in the education and vocational training system, research and other local entities.

This dissemination of knowledge and resources in the different aspects of the Mediterranean Diet for the professional training offer will allow a pedagogical differentiation and the application of new educational practices, thus contributing to the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in the various training domains and respective professional profile, in parallel with the development of transversal and life skills, with a view to responding to the demands of the labor market and combating school failure and dropout.

The DiMEd project, funded by CRESC Algarve 2020, will allow, through the execution of the different tasks foreseen, to provide teachers/trainers with a set of resources and strategies to explore and approach the multidisciplinarity of the Mediterranean Diet, and consequently the learning and acquisition of knowledge in different domains by students/trainees.

The different digital teaching resources can be accessed on the DiMEd project website by clicking here.



