Lagos debates “The State of Health” at a seminar

on the 17th of September

“The state of health in Lagos” will be the theme of the seminar that will take place on the 17th of September as part of the fourth Conference on Lagos, with the motto “Thinking Lagos at the crossroads of the future”.

The days are being organized by the Municipal Assembly of Lagos during the current municipal term, 2021-2025. In this fourth edition, there will be “thematic events on relevant issues for the Municipality, in particular, and for the population, and its organizations, in general”, says the municipal assembly in a note.

The Seminar “The State of Health in Lagos” will be the next event and is scheduled for the 17th of September, in the Auditorium of the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho Séc. XXI, between 15:00 and 18:00 and will have the following speakers Sérgio Branco (president of the Regional Board of Directors of the Southern Regional Section of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros, Leonor Bota (director of the Board of Directors of the Barlavento Health Center Group), Ana Varges Gomes (Chairman of the Board of Directors of CHUA), Maria Alice Serrano e Silva (Advisor to the Administration of the HPA Saúde Group for the Clinical area) and Paulo Morgado (Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve).

Moderating the panel of speakers will be Maria Joaquina Matos, president of the Municipal Assembly of Lagos.

The Seminar is open to the public and has free entry, and the parking lot in the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho Séc. XXI free.

The event will also be broadcast on the Youtube channel and on the Facebook page of the Municipal Assembly of Lagos.


