Algarve researchers ask the government for more funding for science

CCMar researchers are two of the signatories of a joint open letter to the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education

Adelino Canário and Ester Serrão, researchers at the Center for Marine Sciences, are among the dozens of scientists who signed an open letter to Manuel Heitor, minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, in which they asked for more investment in science.

“Now, as never before, is the time for much greater investment in Science. It is a rare opportunity for Portugal to reveal itself as a visionary country, investing in C&I, to capture and retain the best talent in the world and capture and/or create more innovative and productive companies. One recent article in Nature referred to how the Spanish government will greatly increase its budget based on European funds», exemplify the signatories of the letter, who also launched a manifesto, which may read in full here.

At the same time, it is a petition running online “for an urgent investment in Science in Portugal”.

"It is urgent to boost the scientific growth that the country has achieved in recent decades, at the service of a more ambitious Portugal, strengthening an ecosystem that attracts and respects the best talent and companies with a high technological content", they argue.

Researchers from institutions from North to South of the country even state that “never as now has society been so clear about the need to place research and innovation, as well as the institutions that promote them – Institutes, Higher Education and Companies – at the center of our activities».

«The role of knowledge and decisions based on science and evidence are fundamental in our daily lives and should serve as an engine for the economic recovery of Portugal and Europe», they say.

Despite applauding "the efforts that the MCTES announced to have regular tenders", the signatories of the letter consider that "the announced financial envelope is too small for the needs of our country".

“It is critical that there is a strong investment in a diverse knowledge base, the training of young scientists and a guarantee of stability and continuity. The foundations of the scientific system: people, projects, institutions, infrastructure must be an absolute priority in the funding distribution strategy», they add.


Signatories of the open letter:

Margarida D Amaral (Director BioISI, FCUL)
Mónica Bettencourt-Dias (IGC Director)
Adelino Canário (Director CCMAR- U. Algarve)
José Luís Cardoso (ICS-U. Lisbon)
Rogério Colaço (President IST)
João AP Coutinho (Vice-Director CICECO-Institute of Materials of the University of Aveiro and Pro-Rector for Internationalization)
Nuno Ferrand (Director CIBIO, UP)
Elvira Fortunato (Director i3N/Vice Dean NOVA)
Helena Freitas (Coordinator of CFE-U.Coimbra)
Joana Gonçalves-Sá (IST)
António Jacinto (Sub-Director NMS/FCM – NOVA)
Henrique Leitao (FCUL)
Pedro Magalhães (ICS-U. Lisbon)
Helder Maiato (I3S Researcher)
Marta Moita (Researcher FC)
Maria Mota (IMM Director)
Arlindo Oliveira (IST)
Luis Oliveira e Silva (IST)
Susana Peralta (New SBE)
José Pereira-Leal (Ophiomics CEO)
Paulo Pereira (CEDOC Director, Nova Medical School)
João Ramalho-Santos (CNC/CIBB and DCV, U. Coimbra)
Isabel Rocha (ITQB, Dean of Innovation NOVA)
João Rocha (Director CICECO-Institute of Materials of the University of Aveiro)
Carlos Salema (IT Chairman of the Board, ACL – Chairman)
Manuel A Santos (Director iBiMED, U. Aveiro)
Ester Serrão (CCMAR- U. Algarve)
Raquel Seruca (Vice-Director IPATIMUP/I3S)
Claudio M. Soares (ITQB NOVA Director)
Manuel Sobrinho Simões (Director IPATIMUP/I3S)
Luís de Sousa (ICS-U. Lisbon)
Nuno Sousa (ICVS/2CA, U.Minho)
Élio Sucena (FCUL/IGC)
Claudio Sunkel (Director I3S – U. Porto)
José Tavares (New SBE)
Karin Wall (Director ICS Institute of Social Sciences ULisboa).




