Câmara de Lagos lights up in lilac to celebrate Prematurity Day

World Prematurity Day is celebrated on the 17th of November

The Lagos Town Hall building will be lit in lilac from 9th to 17th November, a symbolic gesture in commemoration of the World Prematurity Day «repeated annually in several cities around the world».

The local authority joins, in this way, the commemorations of the anniversary, in the Algarve, which are being organized by Nascer Prematuro – Portuguese Association of Parents of Premature Babies and by the University Hospital Center of the Algarve (CHUA) and aim to sensitize the community to the issue of premature birth.

In 2020, due to the pandemic, “the usual celebrations with families and children will not take place. Even so, the entities involved will mark the date with several adapted activities», according to the Câmara de Lagos.

Nascer Prematuro is a non-profit association that supports parents and babies who are born or were born prematurely, in hospital and/or after discharge.

Created in 2016, by parents of children who were born prematurely in the Algarve region and professionals in the area, its scope is national, although it extends its scope of action across borders. Its intervention ranges from support at the hospital level for parents, to help in the acquisition of material and hospital equipment necessary for care, to monitoring the transition to the home of families with children who were born prematurely and who sometimes need specialized support.

Among its support for these families is the acquisition of two incubators for the Hospital de Faro in 2019 and 2020, furniture and breast milk pumps, donation of clothing for babies and material for the Neonatology units in the Algarve and various initiatives organized to raise awareness among the population.


