Local Action Groups support small-scale agriculture, adapting measures to new times

There are more than 4,5 million euros in aid for small-scale agriculture provided by the LAGs to support the flow of local production through short chains and local markets

The Local Action Groups (LAG) redoubled their attention in defining solutions for a quick response in helping small farmers and producers in rural areas, aware of the new challenges that have arisen as a result of the pandemic that affects the country.

In this sense, they provided immediate responses, with a view to the flow of local productions, which resulted in the opening of 49 customized tender notices Short Chains and Local Markets and in the provision of non-repayable support in excess of 4,5 million euros.

This Measure, managed by the LAGs locally, under the LEADER/DLBC Approach of the PDR2020 Rural Development Program, aims to boost the creation of short agri-food distribution chains and proximity marketing models for agricultural and processed products, adapting local responses to new times of coexistence with Covid-19.

Among these notices, 32 tenders (more than 2,6 million euros) are specifically intended to support short chains, putting into practice the simplification and flexibility introduced in legal regulations, specifically, Decree No. 86/2020.

In this context, we highlight the eligibility of expenses incurred from the 5th of last April, regardless of the date of submission of the application, and also the possibility of support to farmers in the amount of 48 euros per trip to local markets or other points of interest. delivery.

It is a practical measure that guarantees some financial support to small producers, now that the markets are reopening all over the country.

In the case of Interior GAL of the Central Algarve, managed by In Loco, this announcement closed on the 6th of May, with 13 applications received, representing a proposed investment value of 311.574,18 euros, which translates into an expected support from the PDR of 194.945,94 euros, much higher than the value of the notice – 52.795,75, XNUMX euros -, which demonstrates the importance of this measure in current times.

This notice will be reinforced in order to include all applications that receive a favorable opinion.

This Ordinance is part of a set of exceptional and temporary measures, in the time of Covid-19, with the objective of promoting and streamlining the marketing channels of local food products, expanding the possibilities of production flow, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture with the involvement of the Local Action Group and the Minha Terra Federation, among which the campaign and platform also stand out Feed the feeder, which already brings together more than 900 registered producers and has registered close to 100 views since mid-April.



