Hospitality Schools of Faro and Portimão receive the Eco-Schools award

to the school of Faro it's the second time, but the one in Portimão is new

The Algarve Hotel and Tourism Schools (Faro) and Portimão have just been distinguished with the Eco-Schools award, with the awarding ceremony of the Green Flag scheduled for 18 October, in Guimarães.

Thus, the Algarve Hotel and Tourism School was distinguished with the 2nd Bandeira Verde Award, awarded by ABAE – Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa, under the Eco-Schools Program, for the work developed during the 2018/2019 school year.

For its part, the Portimão School of Hotel and Tourism is also recognized for the work developed during its first year of participation in the program, by receiving its 1st Green Flag Award.

«It is with great pride that we see two Schools of the Algarve Grouping receive this award, which is the result of the effort and commitment of the respective school communities in the field of environmental sustainability and which is born from the attempt to change the awareness of young people about the important role they should play protecting our planet», stresses Paula Vicente, director of EHT do Algarve.

The activities carried out throughout the school year that allowed this distinction include collecting paper, cardboard, corks, batteries, used clothes, electrical and electronic equipment, carrying out environmental awareness actions, healthy eating and healthy living habits, creating a vegetable garden -Bio na Escola, dynamization of the Committee to Combat Food Waste; Elaboration of an Eco-Code for the implementation of good environmental practices at EHTA, among other initiatives that involve students and teachers across the board.

The official congratulates «the entire school community for this achievement» and «special thanks to teachers Dalila Candeias, Janine Sieben and Marília Mendes, for being the mentors of this project in our Schools».

