Ventania “spreads” performing arts around Barlavento

Festival will feature contemporary circus, dance and theater

The Ventania Festival will “spread” performing arts throughout the Barlavento Algarve between the 22nd and 24th of March. This event, which is an «artistic activism action on global citizenship themes», will pass through Lagos, Portimão and Sagres, with the motto of World Water Day.

Ventania, promoted by the Experimental Theater of Lagos, will have shows and awareness actions «with a diversified program» in the areas of contemporary circus, theater and dance, but also disciplinary crossovers between music and gastronomy, music and cinema, circus and social ecology , «seeking to reach audiences of different ages and culturalities».

The festival will go through conventional presentation spaces, such as the Centro Cultural de Lagos, TEMPO – Municipal Theater of Portimão and the Auditorium of the Sagres Fortress, but will also have presentations in venues such as the Municipal Markets of Lagos and Portimão, the Centro de Ciência Viva de Lagos, the Jardim da Constitution (Muralha) in Lagos, the Jardim 1º de Dezembro in Portimão, the Cultural Space of the Experimental Theater in Lagos.

There will also be activities in gastronomic spaces, namely in Mar d'Estórias, in Lagos, and in the Faina restaurant, in the Museu de Portimão.

According to the organization, Ventania “will surprise the public with themes related to the environment and citizenship, in a subtle warning to human detachment about those and what surrounds us: a fragile territory like the Algarve, where the emergence of tourism urges us the most efficient energy responses, the preservation of the natural and immaterial heritage and the fight against desertification, seeking a balance that is not always easy».

«The scarcity of drinking water, the values ​​of preservation, sharing and citizenship, transversal to humanity, are present here in a sweet and bitter contemporary reading, aesthetic and poetic, making us dream and reflect at the same time on the human impact on the region, but also in the world», added the promoters of the event.

Ventania is an original idea by Nelda Magalhães (Lagos Experimental Theatre) and Daniela Tomaz (O Corvo ea Raposa Associação Cultural).

This event is part of the 365 Algarve Program, hosted by the Municipality of Lagos, Municipality of Portimão, Municipality of Vila do Bispo, Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve and Águas do Algarve.

The full festival schedule is available here.

