Loulé will serve a king cake with 150 meters

Charola groups were also invited to ensure musical entertainment

A 150-metre-long king cake will be served on Avenida José da Costa Mealha, in Loulé, on Sunday, Twelfth Night, at 17:00. The event is free.

The cake will be made by the Loulé Doce pastry shop, which will use 110 kilos of flour, 50 kilos of chopped candied fruit, the same amount of dried fruits (sultanas, almonds, figs and walnuts), 22 kilos of eggs (38 dozens) and others so much sugar, 14 pounds of margarine and 2 pounds of flavoring drinks.

The recipe is completed with 1,6 kilos of salt and yeast and 100 kilos of candied fruit to decorate the cake.

In addition to this typical delicacy of this time of year, charolas will also be “served” by the groups Charola das Barreiras Brancas – AGAL and Charola from the Casa do Povo of Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo.

