Leaseholder was the most searched word in online dictionary during 2016

The most searched word in the Priberam online dictionary, in 2016, in Portugal, was tenant, followed by bloodless and resilience. […]

The most searched word in Priberam online dictionary, in 2016, in Portugal, it was tenantfollowed by bloodless quality resilience. In Brazil, the most searched word was gypsyfollowed by resilience quality soiree.

Overall, resilience is the most searched word for the third year in a row, with the strangest search for tenant in Portugal – possibly explained by amendments to the lease law. Already the searches for gypsy e soiree, in Brazil, they are justified because they are terms used in the soap opera «Velho Chico».

In the remaining Portuguese-speaking countries, the most searched words in the Priberam Dictionary were: amnesty, detail e reborate (Angola); bustle, ambassador e bionic (Cape Green); wrapping, lowercase e panorama (Guinea Bissau); PALOP, approaches e fall sleep (Equatorial Guinea); one-party, hinder e pastry maker (Mozambique); gap, appropriation e commitment (Sao Tome and Principe); master, containers e countable (East Timor).

Over the course of the year that has just ended, the Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language maintained its consolidation trend as the reference for consultation online for all those who have doubts about the Portuguese language, by registering more than 277.000 new users, for a total that exceeded 25 million in 2016.

Brazil, Portugal and Angola, in that order, occupy the first three places in the leadership of accesses by country; but already in the provenance by cities, the same places belong to Lisbon, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The first city not belonging to a CPLP country is Macau (52nd place), followed by Madrid (57th place) and London (58th place).

Another trend recorded in 2016 is related to the origin of traffic depending on the type of device: access from smartphones continues to increase, having grown substantially in 2016 (+23,51%) compared to the previous year, while the percentage of accesses from Desktops – but also from tablets – descended in equal proportion.

Priberam Dictionary allows you to go around the world. Analyzing words and expressions searched by users from other countries, we collected some curious searches.

For example, there are those searches possibly related to what happens or might happen in certain tourist destinations, such as scramble in Andorra, romance e dolce far niente in Maldives, slumber in Namibia or drool (!) in the Dominican Republic.

Users from countries with Portuguese communities show the connection of the Portuguese diaspora to the country's current affairs and to their mother tongue, as evidenced by searches for contraption in Switzerland or racing horse in Belgium, morcão (and your female morcone) in France and Luxembourg, perrice in Canada or lazier in Ireland.

The search for terms specific to the Portuguese-speaking culture was also present, as shown by the searches for sprinkling in Cambodia, garlic vine in Indonesia or draft beer in China.

The same interest arouse words and expressions typical of the Portuguese language, as seen from the searches for circumcisflautic in Sweden, jaja in Hungary, cheesy in Iceland, cool in Rwanda, hands tied in Ukraine and or something in Singapore.

Finally, there are those surveys that show more brejian intentions, such as searches for ass in the Philippines, hickey in Japan, delicious in Lebanon or fuck in Estonia.


the year 2016 in words

This year's landmark events were reflected in the searches of the Priberam Dictionary. O website The Year in Words, released by Priberam last week, presents some of the words that were at the top of the queries in the Priberam Dictionary and that can be associated with news or events, national or international, of a given day:


