Forum Algarve prepares the launch of «something big» in 2016

The Forum Algarve shopping center has attracted a number of new stores for the past year, some of them with well-known brands, […]

Forum AlgarveThe Forum Algarve shopping center has attracted several new stores for the past year, some of which are from well-known brands, but it does not intend to stop there. The administration of this commercial complex from Faro is still on the ground, looking for new partners, and promises news soon.

O South Informationhe spoke with Forum Algarve director Sérgio Santos, who, despite not opening up the game much – after all, the secret is the soul of the business -, assured that «it is perfectly natural that there will be news at the beginning of next year» and guaranteed , «it's going to be something big».

At the moment, he said, negotiations are underway, in some cases very advanced, to attract new brands, in what will be another step in a renovation process that the largest shopping center in the Algarve capital, and one of the main ones in the region, has intensified since the end of 2014 .

«We sought to improve the experience of our visitors, meeting their expectations and desires, and we reinforced the quality and diversity of our range of stores, with the entry of major brands», summarized the Forum Algarve director.

The novelty that had the most impact was the opening of a FNAC store in November last year, but there were other strategic bets, recalls Sérgio Santos. In addition to the multinational of French origin, "the NOS Lusomundo Cinemas, GMS Apple Store, Nespresso, Samsung Store, Kiko Milano, Mango and Tiffosi, among others'. "I emphasize that some of these brands, here in the Algarve, are only in Forum Algarve, as is the case of the GMS Apple Store, Nespresso and Samsung Store, in the latter case, the 3rd store to be implemented by the brand in Portugal", he stressed.

Sérgio Santos_Forum AlgarveHe also highlighted the creation of the check in point, “an innovative service where you can buy bus and train tickets, as well as print your boarding pass for free”.

According to Sérgio Santos, these new bets allowed «to ensure the affirmation of Forum Algarve as the preferred commercial destination, in its area of ​​influence».

A reality that the manager believes will not change, even with the appearance of “heavy” competition. «The opening of a new shopping complex, with an IKEA store and two shopping centers, will strengthen the Algarve region and, in particular, the Algarve region. Faro, increasing the area of ​​influence and increasingly concentrating the commercial destination of both tourists and residents in the Algarve», he believes. In other words, there will be more clientele, for everyone.

«Forum Algarve has always been an innovative shopping and leisure destination that has always evolved with its visitors in mind. It is this focus on the customer that has ensured the preference and loyalty of those who visit us and the continuous growth of the center over its almost 15 years of existence», he added.

The Christmas period is, moreover, one of the times of the year when the shopping center registers the greatest affluence, not only because of the wave of consumption normally associated with this time of year, but also because of the strong commitment made to liven up the space.

In 2015, the main attractions are the Ice Rink and the Aldeia do Pai Natal, which have a solidary aspect.. Those who purchase a ticket to slide on ice can choose to allocate half of the amount paid to one of four institutions in the Algarve. In Aldeia do Pai Natal, there will be a campaign in favor of the Make-A-Wish Portugal foundation.

Father Christmas Village Algarve Forum«These actions are part of Forum Algarve's social mission and its approach to the community. And, as has been the case for several years, I am sure that we can count on our visitors and friends, who have always shown themselves to be extremely supportive», according to Sérgio Santos.

To help Refúgio Aboim Ascensão, APPC – Portuguese Association of Cerebral Palsy (Delegation of Faro) and PRAVI/Faro, visitors who purchase a ticket for the Ice Rink, worth two euros, only have to place the token that will be given to them in one of the trees that will be in the center of the racetrack, identified with the name of each of the entities to support . Each token, called the "Golden Ticket", is worth one euro.

The support for Make a Wish Portugal, an entity dedicated to «realizing the dreams of children, aged between 3 and 18, who suffer from a disease that puts their lives at risk», is carried out in the «largest Christmas village ever built at Forum Algarve». «To help, just buy, for one euro, a Make-A-Wish Christmas star and place it on the Tree of Smiles», explained Sérgio Santos.

