ACTA takes «Cavalo Manco Não Trota» to Lagos and São Brás in September

The play by ACTA- The Algarve Theater Company «Cavalo Manco, Não Trota» will continue its tour on […]

The play by ACTA- The Algarve Theater Company «Cavalo Manco, Não Trota» will continue its tour in September, with two passages in the Algarve region. The show will be in Lagos on the 7th, returning to the region, more specifically to São Brás de Alportel, on the 15th, after a trip to Braga, on the 13th.

In Lagos, the piece will be at the Cultural Center at 21 pm on the 30th, with ticket prices set at 7 euros. In São Brás, the venue chosen was the Cine-Teatro Sambrasense, with tickets costing 4 euros and the show starting at the same time.

This is a dramatic piece, but it does not lack a touch of humor, whose only protagonist is the director of ACTA Luís Vicente. In this monologue, which takes as its starting point the classic question asked by a judge to the defendant, in court, "is he guilty or innocent", the character takes a journey through his life, with its adventures and misadventures. The text is by the Spanish journalist Luiz del Val.

