Lagoa School of Arts promotes “Oficina de Roda de Oleiro”
Initiative will run from 25th to 29th of October
Initiative will run from 25th to 29th of October
Exhibition can be visited at Manuela Vale Gallery throughout the month of July
Show has free entry
Exhibition will be open between 4th and 25th of June with free entry
The workshops take place on Tuesdays, alternately
There are activities online and in cultural spaces in the county
Rui Marques is autistic and discovered a taste for painting at the Mestre Fernando Rodrigues School of Arts
Exhibition can be seen at Manuela Vale Municipal Gallery
Invitation is not just for artists and extends to the general population
Miraldina Diogo plays "with canvases and paints in a simple, almost childlike way"
«The memory of Mestre Rodrigues has to last forever. In addition to all the dedication I had to art, it was […]