Lagos presents cultural and artistic development plan

“Strategic Plan for the Culture of Lagos” will enter the public debate process in the coming weeks

The proposal for a “Strategic Plan for the Culture of Lagos” was publicly presented at the 2030st Century Auditorium Paços do Concelho. With XNUMX as the time horizon for implementation, the document focuses on «the valorization of the territory, communities and local and regional agents as active promoters of culture and arts in Lagos».

With work and experience in the area, the plan was prepared by OPIUM, which presented this structuring document to an audience with a strong presence of associations and cultural agents, but also CCDR Algarve, represented by Elsa Cavaco, Head of Cultural Action Division.

In the first phase, the results of the diagnosis carried out over a year were reported, which allowed us to draw up a profile of the municipality, its audiences and current cultural and artistic activity.

From this analysis, the biggest challenges and opportunities were then designed, which served as a starting point for the strategic vision and action plan itself.

The document, presented by the Chamber of Lagos, as «innovative and still little promoted among Portuguese authorities», is based on three axes – Creative Territories, Creative Communities and Creative Agents.

As it is one of the most multicultural municipalities in the Algarve, which invests the most in Culture and already has a strong and dynamic activity in the local associative fabric, the proposed actions highlight the interconnection between the valorization of its territorial values, the education of the public and the training of cultural agents.

In this sense, the foundations of the plan for the municipality's cultural policy include creating the “Foundations” (a set of fundamental infrastructures and services to ensure access to culture and education), moving on to “Diffusion” (a set of policies, included and diversified, for a balanced distribution of supply throughout the territory) and subsequently for “Emancipation” (new paradigm in which all places and all citizens are agents that produce and promote culture).

For Sara Coelho, councilor of the Lagos City Council responsible for Culture, «this document is fundamental to guide us towards the future of cultural development of the entire municipality of Lagos, based on sustainability, education, diversity and ambition, but also in reinforcing our policies with a view to enhancing Lagos as a reference cultural destination, in conjunction with local agents and other municipalities in the Algarve».

The “Strategic Plan for the Culture of Lagos” will enter the process of public debate in the coming weeks, and will then be presented to the competent bodies, namely at a Chamber Meeting and Municipal Assembly.


Plan presentation: 


