Tavira Chamber provides rental support to another 28 families in need

Under the 3rd application period for the Municipal Rental Support Program

Tavira City Council will provide rental support to another 28 families in a situation or risk of vulnerability, whose income does not allow them to support the rent for a house, for a period of one year (renewable upon assessment), the municipality announced today.

The contracts that formalize this support have already been signed and the financial contribution to be allocated, monthly, «is part of the 3rd period of applications for the Municipal Rental Support Program and results in a reinforcement of the investment that amounts to approximately 85 thousand euros» , according to the Tavira Chamber.

Municipal support for renting “is of central importance so that a growing number of families can continue to fulfill their obligations within the scope of a housing lease”.

«In the context of the consequent reductions or drops in income observed at local level, the Municipality implemented and reinforced a wide range of social supports, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of families' living conditions and making it possible to meet specific or permanent expenses, namely: support for rent, hot meals for individuals/families in vulnerable situations, reimbursement for the purchase of medicines, support for essential and urgent expenses, scholarships and provision of school materials/form sheets", concludes the municipality.



