Loulé already belongs to the “Cities and Villages that Walk”

The network's flag was raised in the Town Hall

Loulé City Council joined the Network of Cities and Towns that Walk, through a protocol signed with the Institute of Cities and Towns with Mobility (ICVM), this Thursday, December 14th.

The network's flag was raised in the Town Hall and becomes, from now on, the symbol of the Municipality's commitment to more and more citizens walking around the city, choosing to walk instead of using a car.

According to Loulé City Council, «there are several added values ​​in this project, ranging from improving the public health of the inhabitants to the local economy that will benefit local commerce. But also the strengthening of socialization in public space, for example with the return of the “school route”, accessibility for all citizens, the “friendliness” of the city and urban places and, naturally, the contribution to mitigating changes climate”.

«For many years, Loulé has had, in its citizenship culture, a very deep-rooted practice of walking. Loulé residents go out, walk, socialize, talk. This is in the DNA of modern, democratic Loulé, post-25th of April. There is a culture of citizens who attribute an important role to exercise and walking around the city», recalled Vítor Aleixo, president of the Chamber.

Loulé is, as of this day, the 41st city to join the network, but many other municipalities are in the joining phase. The program, coordinated by ICVM, is part of an international agreement with Red Ciudades que Caminan, directed by the mayor of Pontevedra Miguel Lores, and brings together more than 100 municipalities in Spain.

The Portuguese network was created with the aim of establishing a platform for sharing experiences and solutions that constitute excellent examples of good urban practices in terms of sustainable, smooth and active mobility.

It is a project that aims to guarantee, for the member municipalities, the development of work towards a more qualified and inclusive city, where walking is intended to become the most important mode of travel. What Paula Teles, president of the Institute, considers to be «a motto for planning, designing and building social mobility territories».

60% of trips made by car are less than 3 km «and this also happens in Loulé», noted this person.

«It is by walking that we experience places and there are those who say that it is by walking that we make the biggest decisions», he further pointed out.


