DGS launches campaign “Sustainable health, from Tod@s to Tod@as”

Everyone is invited to send “Good Health” messages, free of charge, to friends, family and acquaintances

“Sustainable Health, from tod@s to tod@s” is the campaign that the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) launches today, with the aim of publicizing the National Health Plan (PNS) 2030, and which prioritizes Health and well-being of the population throughout the life cycle, through a social commitment, without leaving anyone behind, preserving the planet and guaranteeing the health of future generations.

PNS 2030 is a dynamic process, seeking to facilitate the governance of Health and for Health, at national, regional and local levels. With principles rooted in sustainable development and multisectoral and transsectoral intervention, the PNS 2030 aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

The “Sustainable Health, from tod@s to tod@s” campaign seeks to follow the most shared desire in this season: to have and desire “Good Health”, reflecting the commitment to promoting Health as a collective good.

In this festive season, of sharing resolutions and positive wishes for the new year, the campaign creates the possibility of generating a chain of messages.

Thus, everyone is invited to send “Good Health” messages, free of charge, to friends, family and acquaintances, through the National Health Plan 2030 landing page.

This is not only a platform to send Health votes, but also a channel with detailed information about the aims of PNS 2030, establishing a direct link between the campaign, its principles, and the Portuguese population.

The 'Sustainable Health, from tod@s to tod@s' campaign is an opportunity for the community to actively participate in achieving the PNS 2030 objectives, seeking active involvement of the population in building a healthier and more sustainable future for all.


