Lethes Theater hosts “Calvário”

Tickets cost 10 euros

The comedy “Calvário”, a creation of the Companhia de Teatro de Almada, will take place on the 11th of November, starting at 21:30 pm, on the stage of the Teatro Lethes, in Faro. 

The text and direction are by Rodrigo Francisco, with Luís Vicente, artistic director of ACTA – A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, being one of the actors.

The plot tells the story of a public theater that is staging Thomas Bernhard's most famous play – Minetti –, but the actor hired to play the protagonist was not a first choice, nor the second, nor the third.

Tickets cost 10 euros (price drops to 7,50 euros for over 65s and under 30s).

Anyone who wants can buy tickets here


