Teachers and educators across the country on strike for better working conditions

Union leaders assured that teachers will not give up and that the fight will continue

Teachers on strike (file photo)

Teachers and educators are going on a national strike today demanding better working conditions, the first strike in the current academic year called by the platform of nine union structures.

About three weeks after the start of the school year, teachers and educators stopped again to demand old demands, such as the full accounting of frozen service time: Six years, six months and 23 days.

“Teachers lose thousands of euros every year because they are not fully counted on the length of service they have completed”, states the strike notice from the platform, which includes the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) and the National Education Federation. (FNE).

On Monday, the Prime Minister again rejected the hypothesis of a full recovery of teachers' service time, arguing that the cost “is unsustainable for the country” and that “there must be equity” for all careers in the role. public.

In response to António Costa's statements, union leaders assured that teachers will not give up and that the fight will continue.

Trade union organizations once again highlighted that they are available for a phased recovery and remember that this is not the only demand.

The end of vacancies for progression to the 5th and 7th levels and assessment quotas are other demands of the platform, which also includes the Independent Union of Teachers and Educators (SIPE) and the National Union of Teachers Licensed by Polytechnics and Universities (SPLIU).

“Abuses and illegalities in working hours are dragging on and are one of the factors causing profound physical, mental and psychological stress on teachers”, states the strike notice.

Today's strike marks the end of European Teachers' Week and takes place one day after World Teachers' Day (5 October).

Next Monday, October 09th, it will be the turn of non-teaching workers to go on strike for the valorization of professions, following the advance notice given only by the National Union of Education Professionals (SINAPE), which is also part of the platform.

According to SINEPE, these professionals have experienced “a salary devaluation” since 2010, since their “tables were 'swallowed' by the national minimum wage, without there being a restructuring of their careers”.

Fenprof, FNE, ASPL, PRÓ-ORDEM, SEPLEU, SINAPE, SINDEP, SIPE and SPLIU are the nine teacher union organizations on the platform.

The school year began with a week of strikes by teachers and non-teaching staff called by the Union of All Education Professionals (S.TO.P).


