Books are probably one of the most dangerous inventions in history.
Anchoring the word, until then ethereal, and subject to the subtleties, inflections and whims of orality and the memory that supported it, transmitted from generation to generation, were the books, in their most varied supports and formats, that launched and consolidated the construction of a true intellectual legacy of Humanity.
It was, and is, through them that we still share ideas formulated thousands of years ago, constituting authentic tools of memory, knowledge, thought and intellectual and cultural elevation. It is no wonder that, from a very early age, they are persecuted (much more than their authors), outlawed, burned, cursed, censored, sanitized or, as is more recently in vogue, “purged” of offensive language and ideas, in line with contemporary Puritan morality.
Manuel Brito who, recently and so unexpectedly left us, was, among many other things, a man of books, reading, Culture, a lover of tearfulness, nonconformity, and that imminent danger that each book contains. And if death has the ability to often catch life off guard, it cannot do anything against a man's legacy.
And Manel leaves a legacy.
In this legacy, I highlight the South, Sun and Salt, Algarve publisher, from the Algarve and from the Algarve to the world. She was dubbed, by a colleague in the publishing world, as the “editor with the most beautiful name ever”. Fulfillment of a dream, of valuing Algarve culture and heritage, projecting an Algarve different from the more usual one, of summer recreation for tourists, where foreigners and nationals consider themselves to be equal outsiders.
Fragile like all dreams, always just an awakening away, the South, Sun and Salt followed a unique path. I dare say, with some degree of security, that Manuel Brito did not fully reflect on the ideas and words of all “his” authors. But his objective was not, and never was, to create a sounding board for his convictions or opinions. Instead, he intended to create a space for plural debate, making a point of bringing to the table all the people whose voice he recognized as valuable, and in whom he recognized potential contributions to this broader reflection on and from the Algarve, as a microcosm and as a region. of a country and an entire world.
This is how this gathering was called such different names, in their times, paths or “statutes” (a not inconsiderable aspect, in a region that lives so much on feathers and appearances), such as Romero Magalhães, António Rosa Mendes, Andreia Fidalgo, José Castanheira or Carla Vieira, among many others, in which I am fortunate to be included.
And this is where this story intersects with this virtual space, Sul Informação, just as it is at this point that I sign my debt of gratitude to Manel.
Paying attention to the chronicles that were being published here, thanks to the identical spirit of love for critical mass and plurality, of Elisabete Rodrigues, a few years ago Manel challenged me to write for South, Sun and Salt.
I think that for all authors – whatever they are – it is always surprising to know that you are read, and by whom you are read. In this case, without exception and with added astonishment due to the determined bet. Thus, the first of many talked about projects to come to fruition was then, in 2021, the edition of The sweet melody of a mute choir, a book that brought together 10 years of chronicles published in Sul Informação.
The rest, always discussed in meetings in which books were a constant presence, on the table, in the hand and mainly, in the conversation and in the heart, were however interrupted by his sudden departure.
His generosity, dynamism, enthusiasm and non-conformity will be greatly missed in the Algarve, which is now much poorer. But honoring Manel, as always happens with visionaries and fortunately dangerous men, is not crying for him. It’s about continuing his work.
the future of South, Sun and Salt no one can guess it. But it seems to me that its seed, planted in each of its authors, will not fail to bear fruit.
To Manel, this is our great debt.
Author Gonçalo Gomes is a landscape architect, president of the Algarve Regional Section of the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects (APAP).
(and writes according to the old Spelling Agreement)