ARTURb fills Lagos again with urban art

Until October 29th

ARTURb – File Image

The urban art project ARTURb is back in Lagos and will promote artistic residencies, exhibitions, murals, conferences and workshops until October 29th.

The artistic residency RTURb – United Artists in Residence, an initiative promoted by LAC – Laboratório de Actividades Criativas, curated by Sofia Fortunato, started on the 3rd of September and lasts until the 16th.

The artists Lex Zooz (Estonia), Nuno Viegas (Portugal), Rita Ravasco (Portugal), Snik (United Kingdom) and The Caver (Portugal) will participate.

«In a first phase, the artists will be in the streets of Lagos creating murals in real time, offering spectators the unique opportunity to watch the artistic creation, from beginning to end. In the second phase, the artists will dedicate the remainder of the residency to creating works inside the LAC building, culminating in a collective exhibition throughout its space», according to LAC.

The artistic residency ends with the opening of the exhibition on September 16th, at 18pm, at LAC, «where there will be the opportunity to meet all the artists».

On the same occasion, a conference will be held with Eduardo Baptista Correia (CEO of Taguspark), followed by a DJ set by the duo Les Rockoeurs.

Also part of this program is the holding of a Community Session in the Municipal Urbanization in Bensafrim, Rua Mestre Romão, on the 8th of October, with local residents, «in order to define the painting of a mural in the same neighborhood between the 9th and 13th October, with the artist Mariana Santos».

On the weekends of the 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th of October (Saturday and Sunday) there will be an intermediate level Stencil workshop with BIGOD, at the LAC facilities, and from the 23rd to the 27th of October the same artist will be in the municipality's schools .



