Algarve 2030 finances projects to support victims of domestic violence or human trafficking

Three competition notices are open until December 5th

O Algarve 2030 Regional Program, with the support of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, launched three competition notices with a view to supporting the strengthening of structures that, in the region, welcome, accompany and provide specialized support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence, as well as such as victims of human trafficking.

These competitions aim to support service, monitoring and specialized support structures for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, in order to guarantee “direct and specialized care and support for victims of domestic violence and victims of gender-based violence, especially in the areas psychological support, social support and legal support”.

On the other hand, «and for the first time in the Algarve, assistance, monitoring and specialized support actions for children and young people victims of domestic violence are supported», in the form of Psychological Support Responses (RAP), as long as they are integrated into structures of service.

The support is also intended to create “emergency reception responses for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence”, as well as their minor or adult children with disabilities in their dependency, in situations assessed as being of high risk for ( re)victimization.

Another objective is to support “reception and protection structures for victims of human trafficking”, promoting “safe reception, emotional stabilization and future social reintegration of women and men, and minor children, victims of human trafficking”.

The Notices, which end on December 5th, are aimed at entities of the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence (RNAVVD) and the Support and Protection Network for Victims of Human Trafficking, with a global allocation of 958 thousand euros for a period of 24 months.

In the Algarve 2030 Regional Program, the fight against domestic and gender-based violence, discrimination and stereotypes, and support for monitoring and specialized support structures, falls within Policy Objective 4 – A more Social Algarve, with a higher indicative allocation to one million euros, in Fundo.

To compete and find out more, see the notices here or Funds Counter.

A National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination for 2018-2030 includes an action plan for the prevention and combat of violence against women and domestic violence (PAVMVD) for the period 2023-2026, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 92/2023, of August 14, which stipulates the public policy measures to be implemented to guarantee the safety and rights of victims, also allowing Portugal to comply with the Istanbul Convention to which it is a signatory.

The policies to be implemented cover prevention, direct support and reintegration, with an emphasis on coordinating resources and improving existing responses.

They have six strategic objectives:

• Prevent and eradicate social tolerance to the various manifestations of the VMVD, raise awareness of its impacts and promote a culture of non-violence, equality and non-discrimination;
• Support and protect – expand and consolidate the intervention;
• Intervene with aggressors, promoting accountability;
• Qualify professionals and services for intervention;
• Investigate, monitor and evaluate public policies;
• Prevent and combat harmful traditional practices, namely female genital mutilation and child, early and forced marriages.


