Lagos: #WhereAreYouJoao campaign is back with blogger João Cajuda

There are more videos to draw attention to the secrets of Lagos

The #WhereAreYouJoao campaign is back, with Lagos once again betting on the blogger of João Cajuda trips to show the various valences that the municipality and the city have to offer.

The official film was released this Wednesday and is available on the platform for viewing and sharing the best images of Lagos.

The brand campaign also starts with a focus on social networks and the press.


Lagos in 2023 | Every day, all life from Lakes 2023 on Vimeo.


Promoted by the Municipality of Lagos, the campaign – which celebrates the “return” of João Cajuda to various corners of the municipality – aims to increase the reputation and recognition of the territory as a tourist destination of national and international reference.

And that is precisely the message, reinforced in the various images of this project, which illustrate Lagos and some of its valences: the beaches, nature and picturesque scenery, or even culture and gastronomy.

Regarding the choice of João Cajuda, it represents the way in which the municipality intends to be perceived: a quiet municipality, with a wide range of options and extremely photogenic, in fact like the destinations that blogger often visit.

For Hugo Pereira, mayor of Lagos, “this campaign is yet another sign of our commitment to promoting and valuing Lagos based on the unique experiences we provide to the people who visit us and who, like João, will certainly be able to act as a excellent ambassadors of destiny”.

The first edition of the campaign, in 2021, was a success, having even won several awards in Portugal – namely Best Tourism and Travel Campaign in the Meios & Publicidade awards.



