Book that tells a bicycle trip to Santiago de Compostela presented in Loulé

Entrance is free

The book “282 – The Last Path Will Always be the First”, which tells Luís Ferreira’s bicycle trip to Santiago de Compostela, will be presented this Saturday, June 17, from 15:30 pm, at the Municipal Library of Loulé . 

After having walked the Caminhos de Santiago on foot more than twenty times, Luís Ferreira accepted the challenge set by a friend and together they headed to Santiago, but this time by bicycle.

The route chosen was the Caminho Português da Costa, starting in Vila Nova de Gaia. Over the course of a week, they got to know countless places, people, monuments, cultures, legends and traditions, and faced the hardships and tiredness of everyday life.

Luís Ferreira was born in Barreiro, on May 8, 1970, and currently lives in Alcochete. He started his literary activity in 2007, publishing a book of poetry a year, until 2011. In 2012, his literary career takes another direction when he discovers and walks the Camino de Santiago.

This passion is reflected in the first prose book he publishes, in 2013, “Entre o Silêncio das Pedras”, which has already seen four editions; in 2014 the book is published in Brazil and in 2021 in Poland. After this novel, he published “Diário de Xavier Lopes”, later co-authored “Olhares de um pilgrim de Santiago” and, in 2016, “O Peregrino”, a novel that reaches its 3rd edition in 2022 and is currently being translated in Poland.

In 2018 he published his first thriller, entitled “A Sombra da Verdade”. In 2020 she returns to publish a new novel about the Camino de Santiago, whose title is immediately an invitation to inner reflection and the “Why walk?” appears. In 2021, he re-edits the book “Diário de Xavier Lopes” with the title “O Teu Caminho” due to the huge demand from his readers.

His dedication to the Camino de Santiago has earned him several honors in Galicia and Portugal.

“282” is his first travel writing book.

The presentation of the book will be in charge of the author. There will be book sales and an autograph session.

Admission is free.


