Konceito.r launches crowdfunding to hold a sustainable fashion event in the Algarve

Event will take place in 2024

Konceito.r, a sustainable fashion brand and upcycling (creative reuse) that has a store in Faro, launched a crowdfunding campaign which aims to raise funds to hold in the Algarve, in 2024, an event that will unite fashion, art and sustainability 

The event, whose date and location are still to be defined, "will bring together talents and enthusiasts from different areas to promote a creative dialogue on ethical fashion, concerts, performances and the conscious lifestyle", according to the company.

«The main objective of the event is to create an inspiring space that celebrates the intersection between fashion, art and sustainability, bringing to light discussions about the importance of the fashion industry to adopt more responsible and creative practices. Through fashion shows, sustainable art exhibitions, interactive workshops and concerts, among other activities, the event aims to educate and raise public awareness about the importance of adopting a sustainable lifestyle», describes Konceito.r.

The crowdfunding campaign «will be crucial to make this unique event possible», since, «in addition to paying for the production and logistics of the event, the funds raised will be used to attract talent, guarantee the participation of renowned specialists in sustainable fashion, artists and establish strategic partnerships with organizations and brands aligned with the values ​​of Konceito.r».

«Our vision is to create an event that goes beyond runways and trends, an event that inspires change and promotes a more conscious future for fashion. With the crowdfunding campaign, we seek to involve our community and people who believe in the importance of uniting fashion, art and sustainability to create a positive impact on our society», according to Cristina Guerreiro, from Konceito.r.

The brand «invites sustainable fashion enthusiasts, artists, brands, influencers and everyone who shares a commitment to sustainability to support the crowdfunding campaign, through the PPL platform and become an integral part of this innovative event».



