Here comes another Festival of Discoveries

In this 11th edition of the Festival of Discoveries, the era of D. Sebastião will be revisited

The XI Festival of Discoveries takes place from the 4th to the 7th of May in Lagos. 

According to the Câmara de Lagos, «preparations are already underway» and are open «to other entities that are interested in participating in the Feira Quinhentista».

The rules for participation, which have already been approved, define the various types of presence admitted, which include the recreation of live crafts (“artifices”), the sale of self-produced and handcrafted items (“artisans”), the sale of items produced by others and unprocessed food goods (“merchants”) and catering and beverage and/or similar activities (“tavern keepers”).

Schools and cultural, sporting and recreational associations in the municipality benefit from special conditions for participation.

Entries run from the 10th to the 31st of March, and must be carried out using the form available at official website of the municipality.

In this 11th edition of the Discoveries Festival, the time of King Sebastião will be revisited, the context of the visit of the young monarch to the then village of Lagos and the decision to elevate it to the status of city, in 1573, as well as the contours from the military expedition to North Africa and the defeat at Alcácer-Quibir, events that help to understand the myth of Sebastianism.

The last edition of the Festival took place in 2019.


